Naeco Reforest

Together, we are managing to reduce the atmospheric CO2 emissions across our value chain. Therefore, thanks to the companies trusting in our service, we are helping create cleaner air and reduce the impact of climate change.

Naeco is not only cutting down on its emissions, but is also committed to helping improve our ecosystems and build on the resources in nature that absorb the CO2 present in the atmosphere: FORESTS.


native trees

As part of our commitment, we will plant 1 tree for every 35 tons of plastic we recycle with the help of our customers. Thanks to this challenge, our forests already have 365 native trees and we wish to continue planting new forests every year. How many can we plant?


trees making up
a new Naeco forest

This year we will plant 322 trees which will create a new Naeco forest. All of our forests are protected natural spaces that will help transform the CO2 present in the atmosphere in the form of O2.


tons of CO2
emissions avoided

Do you know how much CO2 is absorbed by our forests? We have already calculated this figure: 2,09 tons of CO2 per year. The more trees we plant, the more CO2 can be absorbed by the trees!


hectares of
reforested land

In addition, our forests cover 2,75 hectares of re-forested land with native trees that have never been used for commercial purposes, but for natural preservation purposes and to ensure that our planet has more and more protected green spaces.

Do you want to find out more about where these forests are?

Perro Naeco Reforest

But this is not all. By using our products, we can all prevent 15.573 tons of wood from being transformed into alternative products and from wood turning into waste at the end of its useful life.

This is equivalent to preventing the felling of 64.889 trees which would be required for the transformation of this amount of wood. Naeco’s priority is to use the waste generated by society when exploiting such valuable natural resources as trees.

In addition, all of these trees that have not been felled absorb 421tons of CO2 every year, which ensures much cleaner air for everyone.


tons of wood transformed


trees required to
achieve this transformation


tons of CO2 absorbed
by these trees

With your help, Naeco Reforest is promoting the creation of an ecosystem of a high value to the plant, such as forests, which will also absorb our atmospheric CO2 emissions.
Would you like to help us continue to plant trees?
Collaborate with us!

Would you like to learn more about this initiative?

Nature Friendly

Would you like to help us continue to plant trees?

Collaborate with us and look for the seal of the dolphin!